Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas in Utah

We spent the week leading up to Christmas enjoying the company of Stacey's family and playing in the snow. There were many firsts for Jay boy: 1st white Christmas, shoveling snow off the driveway, 1st ebbelskeever, 1st time snowboarding at Snowbird (where we got married), and Brighton, and many more fun times. Stacey was the queen of the baby shower with many loved ones and friends attending. It was a week full of delicious food, lots of love and good times. What a Christmas to remember. Next time we'll have a sonny Christmas in San Diego. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Happy New Years!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Weekend at Bartlettis

It was similar to Weekend at Bernies with my sister and Stacey carting Jim and I around town like a couple of zombies. Good times we had exploring the Texas hill country, listening to live music, singing some old 90s tunes and enjoying some good ol' Texas BBQ. The five day visit has come to an end but the memories will last a long well as the lbs we put on. Cheers!